Saturday 29 March 2008

infidelity is good for you ?

According to researchers the term infidelity constitute a mumber of action, for example when someone have sexual relationship with someone other than their partners, flirting, lusting, one night stand and also sleeping around with a number of individuals. But before we even start to cast judgment on individuls we need to look at the nature and the circumstances which leeds to the act of infidelity. There are a number of reason why people cheat and one of them is because it is within human nature to the opposite of what seems right, the gratification that comes from being-bad is enormus and some times that feeling multiply if it is a man doing the act. Another reason for infidelity stem from the fact that society create this perception that it is normal and acceptable to cheate on your partner. The reprocussion of these practices at times are very grave, however women and men plunge into this self gratification practice knowing the consequences , imagine a bird flying in the air if that bird see their is trap set to catch him that bird will try and fly as far as possible away from that trap ,this sinoreo with human-being is the opposite. People also cheate because of lack of different needs within the relationship these needs could be lack of love, lack of attention ,etc ,etc. The result of cheating are great needless to say, but men and wom are prepare to go that exra mile for some self gratification or maybe unsatisfied desire, we also need to asked ourselves can infidelity can occures in physical action only or is it possible to commit infidelity in our minds, thers is notting to say it can not happen in clonclusion it is within human being to do the things which seems wrong because it brings self rewarding gratification. - 13k - 74k


mchammer said...

You made some interesting points in this blog but I have to say that I disagree with what you say about cheating becoming acceptable in society. I don’t think that cheating would ever be perceived as acceptable because of the way it makes those who have been cheated on feel. If people thought that cheating was acceptable then relationships would be pointless. I think that people are exposed to infidelity a too much in the media. Every soap, chat show and newspaper frequently consists of stories of infidelity. Your point about people knowing the consequences of infidelity and still doing is a very good one. I can’t understand why people cheat if they know what can happen it’s a mind boggler! I can’t really comment on the gratification gained from infidelity because I haven’t done it but it must be considered by some as worth taking the risks that come with cheating.

Babii Nikki said...

i personally believe that infidelity is wrong and it shouldnt happen wheather the person is drunk or sober. if a person is not happy then move on but dont stay there and manipulate that person by cheating behind their back.