Saturday 12 April 2008

body modification where is the boundry?

Body modification moral or imorality act,where do we draw the line? According to the bible the body is the temple of God, and it further states that we should keep it pure and holy and to modified ones body by physical means or subtraction that would that would be seen from a religious perspective as a act of sinful and imoral behavier.

On the other hand when someone carry out a body modification wheather to correct a Clef pallet that would be seen as a good and moral act, however a female would get a boob job because she thinks that her breast is not large and attractive enough this is due what society deem as to be attractive, my question is where is our priority.

Research has shown that plastic surgery is a multi-million dollar business and still growing the rate of women visisting these places have grown considerable in recent years females as young as sixteen years old are having plastic surgery. In every action that we do there are cosiquences and some critics would argue that this is a reflectuion of society. - 53k - Cached

Body modification can be permanent or tempory internal and external imagine someone has cancer and in order for that person to live their leg has to be amputated that person has a new least on life. In everything that we do their must be some form of balance and we should also get our priorities right.

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