Monday 5 May 2008

Are celebrity bad influence on kids?

We are living in a society which is influence by people who command attention wheather in show bizz, political or humanitarian. However our kids are drawn to a fantacy world which is created by pop singers acters and actress alike. These make believe fantacy impact on our children in such away that children are willing to do almost anything to be like their favourite idols. I am not saying its a bad thing to do. However those people within society who creates these fantacy must be mindful that the message they send out must bear positive and strong values.

The minds of kids are like spong and whatever they see around them they will mirrow them. One of the most medum of feeding a childs mind is the media this comes in the way of the television. Critics will argue that it is the parents responsibility to protect the child from the negative images thats out there but i beg to differ it is every one resposibility to make sure opur children are guided in the proper - Similar pages

If we do not create that positive and strong values for our children so that they can be a better individual in tomarow society. Time and time again we see celebrity behaving in a negative manner and we wonder have they stop to think that their action just might be sending out a negative vibes. We need to bear in mind that as individual we all have a part to play inthis game of life wheather we are just a common man or someone in an influencial role in - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

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