Wednesday 7 May 2008

Should Teachers' Strike?

There has been a lot of debate over the recent teachers' strike. On one side there are those who feel that this act was a selfish one. One parent commented on how much she was inconvenienced by this. I am led to believe that this group feel that their children who are primarily their responsibility are too much trouble for them to look after for one day. They believe that the people who have their kids nearly every day should never voice their opinions on their pay package or working conditions. May heaven forbid.

These are the same parents who will loudly proclaim that they can't wait for the holidays to be over as the kids are driving them insane. Have they ever stopped to multiply all the hassle their children give them times thirty other ones exactly similar (or even worst) plus the act of teaching and see what they get. However they might not be able to work it out as you have got to be a dunce not see how much teachers deserve to be treated better than they are currently.

Teachers are the foundation of any economy and when a nation fails to give them their due then it is asking itself to fail. Every single other occupation owe them their due. They create and nurture the intellect that can be found in some of us. So why then do they always seem to fall at the bottom of the pile at all times. They are the most at risk yet have the least protection; the hardest working (ever seen how much work teachers take home?) but the least paid. Its about time they stop playing saints and martyrs and stand up for themselves.

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