Wednesday 30 April 2008

what is too religious?

Whose place it is to say individuals are too religious? What is too religious?

British society seem to make the word religious seem like a contagious disease. At a mere mention that you are into religion of any sort, you are made to seem like a fanatic.

Religion is simply ones beliefs or way of life. Most people I know believe in something, even if they are atheists.They do not hurt any one through these beliefs. They are simply a personal choice, maybe taught or indoctrinated. However, this will only affect their own lives.

For me being too religious is only an issue if an individuals thoughts or beliefs will cause pain or hurt to someoneother than themselves. A jehovah Witness' decision not to take blood is their decision. It can only be classified as over religious if they smashed me over the head when I decided that I wanted a blood transfusion. A muslims decision not to eat pork and to pray five times a day has no baring on the lives of their neighbours unless he kills my pigs or prevent me from sleeping by praying too loudly.

Therefore isnt the person who decides that other people who practice their religions are too religious and therefore should be stop, arent they the ones who have gone over board?

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