Thursday 1 May 2008

Children - Are They Your Possession?

'My children are my most valuable possessions'. I have often heard parents say.

But are they? A possession is something you own and as far as I know owning another human being is illegal.

The lifes of our children are entrusted to us to protect , nurture and develop but definitely not as their owners. If one starts looking at children as property, one would then start believing that their lives are for us to do what we want with them. This will most certainly lead to an abuse of power, leading to that child being hurt in some way or another.

We see children being hurt everyday in the media by their own parents, from kiids being forced in marriages to parents sexually abusing their own flesh and blood. This has served to destroy the lives of our future generation, creating for our selves a world filled with damaged people. This cannot be atolerated in any form or fashion. Our society should also remember that although the big ones are publicly decried, there are also those that we as parents sometimes take for granted. We expect our behave like us and do exactly what we want. However, manupulation of an individual , no matter how small, can lead to psychological problems.

1 comment:

Retro chik said...

I completely agree. I kwow some people who have been in a relationship with someone of another caste/religion and race and have been forced or pressured to break up because the parents don't approve. I don't mean to sound harsh, but if one really loved their child, they would put their child's happiness before their own. I think this sort of behaviour is unacceptable. Yes, parents should guide their children through development, but when they come to an age when they can think for themselves, they should do what they like and not be enslaved to their parents' wishes.
These parents think they are doing the best for their child, but are they really? Or are they making choice for their children to gratify themselves? It seems for some parents that the latter is likey. Why wouldn't you let your child marry someone of their own choice?