Thursday 8 May 2008

my experience doing this module

I am 39 years old.
What is your degree subject (both if joint)?

I am doing Human Resource Management and Social Care
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
I do think that doing this module does relate to other module that i am doing.

If so, how? And if not, why not?
The reason for this simply because it looks at the behaviour of people in relation to society views.
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
I have found the module less challenging.
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?
I strongly think the topics coverd was appropiate.
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
I do not think their is much changes can be made.
What did you think of the module team?
I think they were quiet prepare and inovative in getting across their individual topics.
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions?
I definately think it would be a good idea.
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Information and talk from lecturers?

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?

I think interdisciplinary modules are quiet good.
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
Iam not sure yet.
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Most definately.
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
It was a brilliant idea it gives individuals a chance to express themselves.
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
I think having two short ones is perfect.
What have you learned from the module?
I have learn that society on a whole percieved other people behaviour as bad or devious or not nescessary good or bad in certain respect.
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
I have found the lectures and the dicussion quiet informative and simulating .
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
Frankly i think every part is important.
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
A resounding yes, i think the chatting during lectures is very distastful and rude.

My experience was quiet a journey, with respect to the knowledge i have gain. My perception on peoples behaviour and practice as being-bad is not necessarily warrant the notion of being bad or good. This is due to a number of factors such as nature, place, meaning of immoral, dangerous practice and many more. I have also encourage to explore the things which i have place great values on and also to evaluate them. I have also explore the art of fostering other peoples views without being quick to judge or being critical.

The other task i do enjoy was the fact of sharing your views with others via technology it gives me a sence of gerat power and authority. I have also learn that as human-being whatever society we are from their are certain common practices we consider as values and that tells me that their is some kind of measuering stick or bench mark that govern our action and interaction as human-being.

Wednesday 7 May 2008

comment on Becky's Being Bad Blog

"Violence in Video Games"
The violence in video games are quite bad. However, I do believe that ever individual has a choice to make. They can either choose to play them or not. An individual can not absolve themselves of their responsibilities and blame video games for their choices. Parents have to be more vigilant in choosing video games for their children. They are clearly marked with the age ratings. Yet they end up into the hands of children who they are obviosly not suited.
07 May 2008 23:52

Should Teachers' Strike?

There has been a lot of debate over the recent teachers' strike. On one side there are those who feel that this act was a selfish one. One parent commented on how much she was inconvenienced by this. I am led to believe that this group feel that their children who are primarily their responsibility are too much trouble for them to look after for one day. They believe that the people who have their kids nearly every day should never voice their opinions on their pay package or working conditions. May heaven forbid.

These are the same parents who will loudly proclaim that they can't wait for the holidays to be over as the kids are driving them insane. Have they ever stopped to multiply all the hassle their children give them times thirty other ones exactly similar (or even worst) plus the act of teaching and see what they get. However they might not be able to work it out as you have got to be a dunce not see how much teachers deserve to be treated better than they are currently.

Teachers are the foundation of any economy and when a nation fails to give them their due then it is asking itself to fail. Every single other occupation owe them their due. They create and nurture the intellect that can be found in some of us. So why then do they always seem to fall at the bottom of the pile at all times. They are the most at risk yet have the least protection; the hardest working (ever seen how much work teachers take home?) but the least paid. Its about time they stop playing saints and martyrs and stand up for themselves.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Does cctv make one feel safer?

It is said that britain is the most watch country in the world. However does people feel safer or does crime rate decrease. These are some of the question we need to asked ourselves. Over the last five years or so we have slowly become a state of big brother and by the looks of it our rights to privacy may be taken away too. Thers is notting wrong in finding ways and means to combat crime but on the other hand their should be some amount of balance. Critics may argued that for us to feel safe and crime to be combat we have to make some form of sacrifice.

They will also argued that we are living in a changing world where we no longer have to content with crime but also the treath of international terroism. It is said that britain have over five million cameras and still increasing at a high pace. My concern is that could some of that money be spend other things apart from cctv cameras. Lets face it fighting crime should be everyone business not just the state there are certain simple things we as citizens can do to help reduced crime in our community. The authority should do every thing within their power to empower the people by lending more on the ground support. installing more cctv is not the answer.

Monday 5 May 2008

Are celebrity bad influence on kids?

We are living in a society which is influence by people who command attention wheather in show bizz, political or humanitarian. However our kids are drawn to a fantacy world which is created by pop singers acters and actress alike. These make believe fantacy impact on our children in such away that children are willing to do almost anything to be like their favourite idols. I am not saying its a bad thing to do. However those people within society who creates these fantacy must be mindful that the message they send out must bear positive and strong values.

The minds of kids are like spong and whatever they see around them they will mirrow them. One of the most medum of feeding a childs mind is the media this comes in the way of the television. Critics will argue that it is the parents responsibility to protect the child from the negative images thats out there but i beg to differ it is every one resposibility to make sure opur children are guided in the proper - Similar pages

If we do not create that positive and strong values for our children so that they can be a better individual in tomarow society. Time and time again we see celebrity behaving in a negative manner and we wonder have they stop to think that their action just might be sending out a negative vibes. We need to bear in mind that as individual we all have a part to play inthis game of life wheather we are just a common man or someone in an influencial role in - 23k - Cached - Similar pages

Sunday 4 May 2008

the joy of laughter

I once was told it is better to laugh than froun. And people also said to have a good laugh can relieve stress. When you think that in todays society so much stress and challenges that life has to offer us. It is impossible to imagine life without the joy of laugter even though we sometime share a joke at someone else expence.

It is a revelation how far we have come as people and society in general sitting in a theather listening to various kind of jokes wheather it be racial, political or even personal joke. Personally i think this is a good way of putting a spin on real situation. But then again what might seems as joke to me is not necessary joke to someone else. Richard Prior and Lenny Bruce are commics one would consider as pioneer in making stand up commedy for what it is now.

A joke can sometimes bridge gaps or widen gaps, it can also brake the ice between strangers and sometimes very infecious. If we as individual try to laugh about certain issues at times rather than try to get work up about small problem our lives would be less stress and we would live longer. - 42k - Cached - Similar pages

Saturday 3 May 2008

Comment on Sammie's Blog

Re: Piracy
Internet piracy is something one just have get use to. If the tecnology is there then I guess everyone is going to make use of it. However, we also have to remember that it is the artist that put all the hard work into the creation of the product that looses out. Therefore if you are a true fan then it would be good to go out and buy the CD.
03 May 2008 23:12

Comment on Naughty or Nice

Re: Size Zero
THose were some very insightful comments. Queen Latifah, Monique and other beautiful Big Beautiful Women are not held up by the media to young girls as fashion icons or role models. I do wonder why companys would want to use size zero models as they make their clothes look wack. You spend more time marvel at how the hell these girls dont break that u forget what they are wearing. I always remember a what a woman who got some flesh to put in her clothes is wearing.
30 April 2008 14:49

Immigration - An Evil or a Blessing

In every media report these days there is a story about immigration and its evils. I often wonder whether or not these people ever stop to thing about Britain without immigrants. Imagine waking up tomorrow and there were no immigrants here in the UK. What would it be like? Let me tell you. The essence of Britain as you know would be gone. It would be greyer and bleaker than a misty,Victorian London morn.

On a serious note though have anyone bothered to consider the contribution that immigrants have made to this nation or even where this country would have being without their help. Everyday the bone idle and prejudiced among us complain about i8mmigrants taking their work. However, it is an established fact that these immigrants come to the UK and work harder than most people do. they take the jobs no one else wants, for the pay no one else will for the employer no one will work for. Some leave their countries as qualified and well trained personnel but find that when they come here they can not find jobs in their fields. They in turn take on jobs that many people consider below them.

The graduates who get jobs in their fields will only do so if their is no qualified British person for the job. They then have to work harder to prove their worth and that they do actually deserve the job they have. For many years their lives will be spent getting the idiots among us to understand why it is that they have this job and not someone else.

Britain has to remember that most of the countries these immigrants come from was once or still is being invaded by what some called the British Expat. They go to these countries either as colonizers or just simple to live. What makes us safe from other people coming here when Brits can be found all over the world in great numbers.

I am not saying open the gate for all and sundry. I am just saying, treat others as you would have them treat you and remember be careful not to wish away the props that help to maintain your economic and social stability.

Thursday 1 May 2008

comment on Tomsblog
Being religious does not mean being too religious. Being too religious is when you try to change someones religious views by force. Spouting bible verses hardle qualifies. Thats their perogative. You have a choice to listen. Too religious is when your religious views hurt someone else.
29 April 2008 00:03

Children - Are They Your Possession?

'My children are my most valuable possessions'. I have often heard parents say.

But are they? A possession is something you own and as far as I know owning another human being is illegal.

The lifes of our children are entrusted to us to protect , nurture and develop but definitely not as their owners. If one starts looking at children as property, one would then start believing that their lives are for us to do what we want with them. This will most certainly lead to an abuse of power, leading to that child being hurt in some way or another.

We see children being hurt everyday in the media by their own parents, from kiids being forced in marriages to parents sexually abusing their own flesh and blood. This has served to destroy the lives of our future generation, creating for our selves a world filled with damaged people. This cannot be atolerated in any form or fashion. Our society should also remember that although the big ones are publicly decried, there are also those that we as parents sometimes take for granted. We expect our behave like us and do exactly what we want. However, manupulation of an individual , no matter how small, can lead to psychological problems.

Wednesday 30 April 2008

what is too religious?

Whose place it is to say individuals are too religious? What is too religious?

British society seem to make the word religious seem like a contagious disease. At a mere mention that you are into religion of any sort, you are made to seem like a fanatic.

Religion is simply ones beliefs or way of life. Most people I know believe in something, even if they are atheists.They do not hurt any one through these beliefs. They are simply a personal choice, maybe taught or indoctrinated. However, this will only affect their own lives.

For me being too religious is only an issue if an individuals thoughts or beliefs will cause pain or hurt to someoneother than themselves. A jehovah Witness' decision not to take blood is their decision. It can only be classified as over religious if they smashed me over the head when I decided that I wanted a blood transfusion. A muslims decision not to eat pork and to pray five times a day has no baring on the lives of their neighbours unless he kills my pigs or prevent me from sleeping by praying too loudly.

Therefore isnt the person who decides that other people who practice their religions are too religious and therefore should be stop, arent they the ones who have gone over board?

Monday 28 April 2008

Is drug taking an illness or a choice.

Drug addicts have often used the excuse that they can not stop taking drugs as it is an illness or disease. A disease according to the Oxford dictionary is a disorder in a human, animal or plant, caused by an infection, diet, or by faulty functioning of a process. This for me does not in any way include drug abuse as it is not caused by either an infection or diet and it is it that causes a faulty functioning of a process and not the other way round.

The problem starts way before the drug abuser is addicted.The first time a drug abuser makes the choice to take drugs he usually knows what society's if not the medical views on the drug is. He, however still decides to go ahead with this activity. The next time he or she feels the urge to take this drug again, there is also a choice of deciding that wanting it again might be the first sign of an addiction and deciding to leave it be. However, they take the road of having that drug again. This in my mind removes any chance that this might be an illness.

I understand the medical belief that people might be born with the genetic disposition towards drug abuse. That simple means that if you know your parents had a drug dependency you take steps to stay away from it. If one's family is predisposed to getting high blood pressure, you change your diet and take steps to prevent it.

Drug taking should be treated as a choice and not as an illness as I believe this not only hinders the drug abuser's ascent out of the abyss but takes away his social responsibility for his actions.

Saturday 12 April 2008

body modification where is the boundry?

Body modification moral or imorality act,where do we draw the line? According to the bible the body is the temple of God, and it further states that we should keep it pure and holy and to modified ones body by physical means or subtraction that would that would be seen from a religious perspective as a act of sinful and imoral behavier.

On the other hand when someone carry out a body modification wheather to correct a Clef pallet that would be seen as a good and moral act, however a female would get a boob job because she thinks that her breast is not large and attractive enough this is due what society deem as to be attractive, my question is where is our priority.

Research has shown that plastic surgery is a multi-million dollar business and still growing the rate of women visisting these places have grown considerable in recent years females as young as sixteen years old are having plastic surgery. In every action that we do there are cosiquences and some critics would argue that this is a reflectuion of society. - 53k - Cached

Body modification can be permanent or tempory internal and external imagine someone has cancer and in order for that person to live their leg has to be amputated that person has a new least on life. In everything that we do their must be some form of balance and we should also get our priorities right.

Tuesday 1 April 2008

Bandits and outlaw justified or unjustified?

image of Robin Hood
picture of Jesse James

Haman- being are born with certain needs and traits and regardless of where we are from and our back grounds we dream dreams and we also fanticise and many times we hope we could get the opportunity to act out our fanticy or even see someone acting out our fanticy . We are intrigue by many things and the thought Robin wood robbing the sheriff takings, the act of bonny and Clyde alluding the FBI for such a long time, or even Jesse James train robberies are no different. We are motivated by different things and our action are fuel by circumstances we find our selves in, and even though we have not seen a Robbin Wood going around robbing from the rich and giving to the poor it does mean that their is not a need for it. Banditry comes about because their was a need to be filled, it was born out of necessity the poor was been oppress and trodden down by the powers that be and someone came along and offer hope.

The definition for the word bandit is and person who is an arm robber or a member of an arm gang, and the definition for the term outlaws are people who brake the law and remain at large. It’s very important that we look at the origin of this practice and what are the circumstances that fuel this practice. Historian pointed out that there are two kinds of bandits whereby have the social bandits and bandits, the social bandit are bandits who rob from the rich and give to the poor and bandits are simply those who are just robbers for themselves. Throughout the nineteen centuries this practice is regarded in some quarters of society as been a noble thing to do because common man was been oppression by the system. Like any other consequences banditry also comes with a price and the price is the greed of man who only wants to feather their nest and shear no alliance to no one this is evident in some these dandits, other motives that leds to baditry are politics and anti slave freedom, this is the case of Jesse James who rob trains and banks which was affiliated to a certain political movement and those who support the freedom of - 73k - 6k

Saturday 29 March 2008

infidelity is good for you ?

According to researchers the term infidelity constitute a mumber of action, for example when someone have sexual relationship with someone other than their partners, flirting, lusting, one night stand and also sleeping around with a number of individuals. But before we even start to cast judgment on individuls we need to look at the nature and the circumstances which leeds to the act of infidelity. There are a number of reason why people cheat and one of them is because it is within human nature to the opposite of what seems right, the gratification that comes from being-bad is enormus and some times that feeling multiply if it is a man doing the act. Another reason for infidelity stem from the fact that society create this perception that it is normal and acceptable to cheate on your partner. The reprocussion of these practices at times are very grave, however women and men plunge into this self gratification practice knowing the consequences , imagine a bird flying in the air if that bird see their is trap set to catch him that bird will try and fly as far as possible away from that trap ,this sinoreo with human-being is the opposite. People also cheate because of lack of different needs within the relationship these needs could be lack of love, lack of attention ,etc ,etc. The result of cheating are great needless to say, but men and wom are prepare to go that exra mile for some self gratification or maybe unsatisfied desire, we also need to asked ourselves can infidelity can occures in physical action only or is it possible to commit infidelity in our minds, thers is notting to say it can not happen in clonclusion it is within human being to do the things which seems wrong because it brings self rewarding gratification. - 13k - 74k

Thursday 27 March 2008

masturbation as it gone to far


Personally I was a little uncomfortable sitting in the lecture listening to people sharing their views on the topic. Ten years or so prior to now if, i was ask to share my views or to discuss this topic it would have been like someone confessing to a murder. I consider this as a private matter, However it quiet interesting to sit and listen to the different views and myths that people have about masturbation. These are some of the myths. ‘ masturbation lies at the heart of cultural humanity, the world was created by masturbation. If masturbation is the heart of cultural humanity it means that our identity as people or individual is shape by our sexual tendency of masturbation. My main concern is why is it society seen the act of masturbation for men as a highly physical encounter, this encounter is played out in some aggressive descriptive expression , such strangle the chicken , flogging the bishop, spanking the pony. While on the other hand the female act of masturbation is seen as soft ,slow and candle light.
Research has shown that boys were thought to be hard and tough because that’s how boys should be and if they are soft and gently they are seen as sissies. Girls were thought to be soft, gentle and sensitive. We have seen where sometimes these matro behaviour from men contribute to domestic violence. These values and attitudes which are thought to kids are highly influence by society. These values and attitudes that are instilled in our children are not necessary wrong but there needs to abalance govern how we raise the men and woman of tomarrow. - 19k -

Tuesday 18 March 2008

smoking, is it really bad for you?

frankly i believed most of us are aware of the different effects that smoking can cause on our health and society in general. However people seems to disregarded these dangers in order to have a smoke , maybe people are more influence by the things that seems bad for them , and for more simulated by these and it may also within human nature to gravitate to the things that are bad rather than confined to moral values. - 25k

Thursday 21 February 2008

my first being -bad class

my first lesson in this module was quiet an experience. we were ask to write on a piece of paper our most deep secret.